Supplier diversity portfolio management

AXI provides custom portfolio management software and services to meet supplier diversity goals, identify opportunities, and manage risks.

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Enterprise Compliance Tools

AXI’s custom tools and support services are tailored to each client’s existing business process.

Solutions range from same day, turnkey access to custom-built platforms built to integrate with existing ERP and procurement systems.


Analysis & Reporting

Beyond spreadsheets

Data processing, validation, and visualization are the backbone of AXI’s technology and services. Whether it's absorbing 20,000 historical PDF utilization reports via OCR or building custom dashboards and glossy reports for public stakeholders, we understand how to use data to highlight performance and find the opportunities for improvement.

Data Discovery
using direct analysis and optical character recognition (OCR) tools to reveal historical and current performance data hidden in overloaded spreadsheets and archived PDFs and documents.
custom analysis and data visualization features tailored to each organization’s requirements and reporting needs. Ranging from portfolio-wide utilization and spend analysis to project-specific local political district impact.
designed for all stakeholders, from internal performance to striking public reports highlighting success and community impact.
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Good faith efforts

Outreach, RFP, and surveys are managed through each project’s CRM system, with full documentation and audit trail reporting. Vendor lists can readily be exported for use within any other existing procurement process.

Tools for any organization

Portfolio management

AXI provides public and private organizations with a single tool that makes it easy to maximize supplier diversity utilization company across all projects and purchases.

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About AXI

AXI was founded to help large organizations better meet their New York State MWBE and SDVOB goals with more accurate diverse vendor matchmaking setting and reporting requirements. We now support organization’s supplier diversity programs and individual projects across the country.

Contact Us

If you think AXI can help your organization, please reach out. We’d be happy to see what we can do for you.

Postal address

165 Broadway

New York, NY 10006

Postal address

9465 Wilshire Blvd

Beverly Hills, CA 90210